Chastity is no longer a "game"

Back in the beginning of September, i wrote about a "game" we started to play.  Basically i could earn points based on things i did around the house, and would be able to "buy" certain sexual favors.  We've since decided to stop that all together.  Being a submissive, i'm expected to do "chores" around the house, or give my Mistress LOTS of orgasms, etc...  Being a submissive, i shouldn't be able to "buy" an orgasm.  my orgasms are solely up to my Mistress's discretion.  A submissive husband in chastity shouldn't expect anything, but should please his Mistress at all times.  Therefore we decided to end the "game" of earning points.

Now, i still keep track of my percentage time in chastity and how many orgasms we've both had each month.  i think it's interesting to see the difference.  And i'm always sort of impressed at just exactly how long i remain securely locked in chastity or how many/few orgasms She and i have respectively.  It's certainly a commitment i've made to this FLR lifestyle. 


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