
In my last post, i said i had started using an IPL hair remover. i'm now a little over a week of treatments. i've made one full pass over my entire body (neck down) on level 3 of 5. There's been very little pain, i'd say it's similar to a rubber band being snapped on your skin. But the sting is gone as quick as it starts.

i haven't noticed any significant difference in hair growth yet, but i did read that it could take up to 6 months. But it also says 95% effective! It gives me butterflies in my stomach thinking that i'll be permanently smooth. But i'm so excited to not have to shave!

Yesterday i started the second pass on my legs and have kicked the power setting up to 4/5. i'm hoping to see some results, if only a reduction on hair thickness and/or amount. i'm happy to wait a few months for complete, or near to it, results. i'll be sure to update this blog every once in a while :)



  1. Thanks for keeping us updated on your path to smoothness :). You know how us gurls love to share those things!


    sissy terrie


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