While we wait...

While we wait for the lovely terrie to finish part two of our fantasy story part two of our fantasy story i thought i would update all you lovely people. Miss Scarlett has graciously allowed me a short break from chastity. After spending the better part of 5+ months locked 24/7, i humbly asked for permission to remove the cage for a mental and physical break.

Being uncaged, doesn't necessarily mean that i'm "free". i believe that all the same rules apply to a submissive sissy that is taking a short break from chastity as does apply to one in chastity. Meaning, no touching, and certainly no orgasms without permission.

i've learned over the years of being my Wife's submissive sissy, that wearing the cage is just as much a physical symbol of submission as it is a tool. Yes, chastity100% prevents erections, but it does little better controlling orgasms than no cage at all. Any "ball trap" cage can fairly easily be "pulled out" from. Any allow me access to the Magic Wand, and i'll squirt my cummies in seconds while caged!

So, although i may be "free" at the moment, that certainly doesn't mean i'm FREE. And i wouldn't want it ANY other way!


Some dreams come true!


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