Monday, December 28, 2020

A Merry Kinky Christmas

Despite this year being in the toilet, and our run in with the covid, we had a pretty good Christmas! i hope Santa was good to all you bois and gurls! We did the usual "Santa" stuff first thing in the morning. Some of you know we have a child, and the excitement of a 6 year old on Christmas morning is better than any present! It's hard believe how excited one little human can get! my Wife's family came over for lunch. So there were more presents, more excitement, and more... well, just more :)

But, the good stuff didn't come until after dark ;) We always exchange kinky presents for each other once we get some alone time. Sierra must have been a very good gurl this year! Mistress got me some ear rings (clip on, my ears aren't pierced), panties, so much makeup!!! And a set of satin PJ's. They're SO cute! Long sleeve, and pants.  Pink with black polka dots. i absolutely love them.

i got Her (which, sadly, didn't show up until the day after), a new dildo. i ended up doing far more research on dildo's than any person should... but i like to be informed ;) i bought it from peepshow toys, and it's the BMS Factory Naked Addiction Dual Density Silicone Dildo. It feels super realistic! Needless to say, Christmas came, my Wife came, i did not. Hope y'all had a kinky Christmas too!


1 comment:

  1. Those PJ's sound so mice.....they'll keep you nice and warm on those nights when your wife makes you sleep alone!!!!


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Can anyone read that? How many people even know what morse code is? That's what makes it so perfect. A few months ago, Miss Scarlett and...