Wednesday, September 7, 2022


A couple weeks ago, i had posted about my "wet dream" that i experienced. terrie left me a comment hoping that i'm now sleeping with some sort of "protection" now.

i hadn't ever thought about it, mostly i guess because i never really needed it before. So, now i pose a question for my readers. So looking forward to the results. Perhaps i too will be wearing "protection" at night in the near future.


What type of "protection" do you wear at night? free polls


  1. I do think you need more protection than just panties. While I did "vote" just panties, I'm embarrassed to say I've been made to wear additional protection. I'll spare you the details.


    sissy terrie

  2. I always sleep in a satin night gown with panties

  3. Don't you get too hot wearing a night gown to bed? i'm usually wearing a satin nighty after i shower, but take it off before i go to bed.


While we wait...

While we wait for the lovely terrie to finish part two of our fantasy story  part two of our fantasy story  i thought i would update all you...